Benefits of Becoming an ACCESS Mentor
Total compensation of up to $10,000
Provide a positive and lasting impact on a junior or mid-career faculty member, empowering them to reach their full potential.​
Allow a junior or mid-career faculty member to build their professional network.
Gain new perspectives and invaluable experience
Mentor Expectations
Two-year commitment to mentoring.
Attendance at the annual, two-day in-person ACCESS workshop, being held May 14-May 16, 2025, at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY and May 2026 at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN
Monthly 45-minute virtual meetings (a minimum of 8 over a 12-month period) with your mentee.
Mentor Eligibility Criterion
U.S Citizen or permanent resident
Tenured faculty member (associate or full professor rank)
Established an independent program of research (e.g., PI, on R01 or equivalent)
Demonstrated success with mentoring of especially early career faculty ​
Please note that ACCESS alumni may apply to be a mentor one year after they have completed the two-year program and will be subject to the eligibility criterion listed above.​​​
Apply to become an ACCESS Mentor
Are you interested in becoming a mentor for the Faculty ACCESS Program? Click on the button below to apply